Extreme Military Challenge Military Summer Camp
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Military Summer Camp, Extreme Military Challenge, Army Summer Camp, Military Adventure Camp, Military Summer Program.
Extreme Military Challenge Military Summer Camp
The Extreme Military Challenge! Cadre is comprised of an exceptional team of military and civilian professionals from all walks of life. Each has been hand-picked based on proven professionalism and an unparalleled dedication to youth development. All Cadre are required to undergo an extensive national background check as well as Youth Protection training before any interaction with our participants.
With a combined military experience of over 400 years of service, our Cadre represents many years of honorable service in the United States Army, United States Marine Corps, United State Navy, United States Air Force and United States Coast Guard. Many started their military career as Cadets, now opting to invest in the next generation of leaders. Some come from strong Cadet program backgrounds, civilian careers or a solid history in law enforcement, emergency medicine, U.S. Public Health Service or other service-oriented careers.
Our Drill Instructors are all bonafide recruit training professionals, having transitioned thousands of civilians into Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen and Coast Guardsmen. Due to the unique joint-service environment within XMC, we use the general title "Drill Instructor," regardless of the branch of service represented.
Our program grows every year; therefore, we are always seeking out high-quality candidates to serve our Challengers. Each year Extreme Military Challenge! hires 50+ Cadre members, with many being annual returns. Many of our staff are still serving in some capacity and are subject to deployments or career changes so we are always looking to add to our team. If you have a heart for young people and would like to be considered for a position on our team, please apply here.
Extreme Military Challenge! has some of the most exceptional staff members available. Each has been hand-picked based on their dedication to young people, military experience and first-hand awareness of the unique nature of Cadet training. We have a staff of 40+ officers, non-commissioned officers and civilian professionals throughout the summer. In total, we bring more than 400 years of military experience to Extreme Military Challenge!
Each year XMC employs/hosts 50+ staff members during the summer. Below are listed some XMC's senior staff:

COL Joseph M. Land, Sr., XMC
President, Liberty Communications, LLC
Camp Commander

COL Joseph M. Land, Sr., XMC
President, Liberty Communications, LLC
Commander, Extreme Military Challenge!

Colonel Joseph M. Land, Sr., XMC, is a wartime military veteran with a total of 40+ years in uniform, including ten years on active duty as a public affairs professional.
His career started as a young Sea Cadet in the Chicago area where he achieved the senior most Cadet position available, ultimately serving as the senior Cadet for a 300+ Recruit Training Contingent at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois.
His service on active duty started in 1981, where he served stateside and abroad. His active duty service culminated as the Operations Officer of a Rapid Deployment Force where he was tasked with leading a communications team to provide a 12-hour response to emergency operations worldwide. He was directly involved with the Reagan/Gorbachev Summit conducted in Keflavik, Iceland in 1986 and provided on-site video documentation, as well as Search and Rescue operations, during the 1989 San Francisco Earthquake. Throughout his career, COL Land has traveled to 34 countries and 48 states in the name of our country. His time on active duty ended in 1990 when he was Honorably Discharged.
COL Land is the former Commander, and past Chief of Staff, of a nationwide Cadet program. Having commanded at all levels, he has served over 10,000 Cadets throughout his career. He has 35+ years experience leading Cadet summer training programs at all levels. He served as the Commander of a residential Military Preparatory Academy for a year.
In his civilian life, he has served for many years as a Department of Defense contractor. His positions have included service as a Project Manager in support of the Army's Recruiting and Retention School and previous service as a Program Manager at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center supporting military troops suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury/Post Traumatic Stress. He was the most traveled trainer worldwide for a performance based personnel management system within the Department of Defense.
COL Land is the President of Liberty Communications, LLC, providing training, career counseling and coaching services for military and government personnel. He oversees the day-to-day marketing and operation of Camp Liberty in Battleground, Alabama, providing a variety of support and programs for those who have served in the Armed Forces or as police officers or firefighters.
The Governor of Alabama recognized COL Land in 2019 with an appointment as a Honorary Colonel in the Alabama State Militia, which is the highest award of honor permitted by State Legislature to be conferred on civilians. He received similar recognition from the Governor of Kentucky in 2012 when he was appointed as an Honorable Kentucky Colonel.
COL Land is a qualified parachutist, SCUBA Diver and Military Emergency Management Specialist. He also wears the Navy's Enlisted Service Warfare Specialist device, as well as several other personal and unit awards.

CSM Piro Perez, XMC
Command Sergeant Major

CSM Euripides Perez, XMC
Command Sergeant Major

Command Sergeant Major Euripides Perez, XMC, joined the U.S. Army in January 1986. Through his active duty career he progressed through the ranks with various assignments in the United States and overseas.
Duties included Forward Observer in Korea and Ft. Hood, Texas, Platoon Sergeant in Berlin, Germany and Drill Sergeant in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. After leaving active duty, he continued to serve with the Indiana National Guard as a Platoon Sergeant with 2-503d infantry, 38th ID. He then served as the 1SG for HHB Division Artillery 38th ID. He returned to active duty for seven more years where was 1SG A Battery 2-150 Field Artillery.
As a Sergeant Major, his duties have ranged from Operation Sergeant Major, TRADOC’s 434th FAB, Fort Sill, OK; Branch Chief Army National Guard Readiness Center, Arlington, VA, NGB-JS-SEL, Arlington, VA, ACOR SEL, Afghanistan and Fires SGM, 316th CAV Ft. Benning, GA. S
Sergeant Major Perez’ deployments and activations include Operation Desert Storm, 1991, Operation Provide Comfort, 1993, Operation Noble Eagle, 2001-2002, Operation Enduring Freedom, 2004-2005, Hurricane Katrina Relief, 2005, Operation Iraqi Freedom 2008-2009 and Operation Enduring Freedom again, 2013-2014.
His long and distinguished career has been recognized by a multitude of personal and unit awards, including the Bronze Star Medal (4th Award) one with gold “V” device for valor, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (6th Award), Combat Action Badge, Air Assault badge, Airborne badge and many others.
Since retiring from the Army, CSM Perez continued to serve as a Junior ROTC Army Instructor for a 525 Cadet unit where he taught high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline.
“Command Sergeant Major Perez brings a wealth of experience – both as a professional Soldier and the leader of Cadets – to the XMC team,” said Colonel Joseph M. Land, Sr., XMC, the Commander of Extreme Military Challenge! and President of Liberty Communications, LLC. “…his impressive service and qualifications serves as an exceptional example for our Cadre and Challengers.”

MAJ (Dr.) John Wideman, MD
Director of Health Services

Major (Dr.) John G. Wideman, MD, XMC, serves as the volunteer Extreme Military Challenge! Director of Health Services. He will oversee the health, safety and well-being of Challengers and cadre during our summer operations.
Dr. Wideman brings over 35 years of medical experience to the XMC team. His career started as an enlisted Medic in the United States Army, where he served with the United States Army Special Forces, known as the "Green Berets" because of their distinctive service headgear. He later graduated from University of Alabama School of Medicine - Birmingham, Alabama in 1995 and currently practices in Cullman, Alabama.
“I am thrilled to have Dr. John Wideman as part of the XMC team,” said Colonel Joseph M. Land, Sr., XMC, the Commander of Extreme Military Challenge! and President of Liberty Communications, LLC. “He is the embodiment of the Army Values and brings decades of experience to our program.”

MAJ Joseph M. Land, Jr., XMC
Director of Admissions

Major Joseph M. Land, Jr, XMC. is a former Cadet who understands firsthand the benefits of experiencing a program like XMC as a teenager. He has 20+ years of experience in uniform between his eight years as a Cadet (eventually as the senior-most Cadet of a national Cadet organization) and now 12+ years developing and operating military-oriented summer programs for both a military school and now Extreme Military Challenge! . He is a corporate officer for Liberty Communications, LLC and the co-founder of Extreme Military Challenge!
MAJ Land serves as the Battalion Commander for Extreme Military Challenge!, responsible for the overall supervision, execution and quality assurance of Cadet training for a variety of programs throughout the year. He supervises a staff of 30+ military and civilian professionals each summer.
MAJ Land is also the Director of Admissions for Extreme Military Challenge!, acting as the direct liaison for parents and prospective recruits/Cadets. MAJ Land is responsible for the development and distribution of marketing materials for our various programs; recruitment and enrollment of young people and staff; as well as development and execution of the training schedules. MAJ Land has had an impact on young men and women from throughout the world with more than 2000 having successfully attended his summer programs.
MAJ Land is a qualified parachutist and certified Rope Rescue Technician and Rappelmaster. He is also certified as a Range Safety Officer through the National Rifle Association.
Please visit Facebook.com/XMCCamp for all staff announcements for the current summer
As with most military schools and other regimented organizations, the military-style ranks and titles
used are honorary and exclusive to the structure of Extreme Military Challenge! They are primarily for training purposes.
Uniforms are modified with distinct insignia to clearly identify the wearer as not being a member of the United States Armed Forces.
Participation in Extreme Military Challenge!, as a volunteer, employee or independent contractor
does not constitute representation of the United States Armed Forces in any capacity.